coustic Guitar Canada

The Acoustic Guitar Cabinet Project

The Prototype Timeline

May 2019

I began with 2 older prebuilt Ikea cabinets.

(Unfortunately this model is no longer available.)

I'd planned to use my room humidifier to control the humity level.

I notched the middle shelf so the humidifier would fit and fastened the two bookcases together with brackets. Then drilled 4 holes in the back shelf for ventilation and attached 4 guitar holders to the sides of the cabinet.

After adding water to the humidifier I discovered the humidifier almost never turned on, so I unpluged it. All 3 of my hygrometers registered a constant 40% humidity.

I added pan of water beside the humidifier, which raised the level to 44%.

The fan blows over the 2 containers of water when the % level drops too low. During the summer I don't expect it will turn on.

The controller is set to turn the fan on at 45% and off at 50%.

November 2019

When the weather turned cold, the house heating system began drying the air and the relative humidly began to drop.

A friend who cures his own meat in a smaller cabinet suggested I didn't need a humidifier, just a small fan to blow over water when the humidity level drops too low.

I removed the humidifier, added two 42 QT storage bins, a fan and Inkbird digital humidity controller.

When the % drops below 45, the fan kicks in blowing over the water and keeps the humidity level at an exact range of 45% to 50%.

December 2019

Because my house is 100 years old, it's poorly insulated. I noticed that during the night the temperature in my office dropped and the relative humity level raised over 55%.

March 10, 2019

It's raing today, the relative humity level is 57%, so I've removed one of the water containers to see if one is enought.