coustic Guitar Canada

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The Open Source

Acoustic Guitar Canada Cabinet Project

In 2017, I organized an acoustic guitar MeetUp Group in Montreal. During that time I observed a number of guitars which were cracked due to low humidity. I began taking extra care of my own guitars, but quickly found monitoring the relative humidity level within 6 guitar cases tedious.

I then bought a large evaporative room humidifier, but found the humidity level to be uneven throughout the room and the water tank needed refilling every 3 days.

In 2018, I began researching how to build a humidified guitar cabinet and contacted Martin, Taylor and Godin Guitars for advice.

The Backstory

In the spring of 2018, I began my build by modifying two Ikea bookcases.

I sealed the joints with clear Gorilla tape and high-density weatherstripping around the doors.

I added an Inkbird digital controller and fan over a container of water to raise the relative humidity, and a 2nd Inkbird unit to control a mini dehumidifier to lower the humidity when needed.

I keep the humidity level in the cabinet at 45% (range 42%-48%). The dehumidifier is set at 50% and only turns on during very rainy days.

The dehumidifier produces mineral free water which is recycled back into the large container.

The Prototype

My Costs In Canadian Dollars

Two used Ikea cabinets ($35 + $65) - $100

Brackets & screws - $20

Container for water - $10

Fan - $30

Inkbird digital controller - $65

Swivel yoke hangers - $100

Mini dehumidifier - $60

Air Vent - $10

Total - $395CAN  ($308US)

Humidity System

Dehumidify System

Project Advice

Project Advice:

Martin Guitars - Harry Vadyak / Customer Service Representative

Taylor Guitars - Jonathan Ortiz / Customer Service Representative

Godin Guitars - Maxime Lévesque / Alexis Tomeno

RGB Guitars - Russ Parker / Luthier

Baron Guitars - Maxime Baron / Luthier

Inkbird (Digital Controller) - Pure Wu

Other companies coming soon...

Brian Murphy - Director/Videographer/Editor

David Michael Wallace - Writer/Director/Teacher/Musician

Lindsay Morrison - Consultant / Guitar Enthusiast

Benoit Forget - Guitar setup & repair / Guitars For Vets Program


Humidity (Absolute / Relative / Specific)

The moisture content of wood is primarily a function of relative humidity.

Daily cycles of high and low RH are not harmful. Extended periods of exposure to high or low RH can cause problems.

Symptoms of a Dry Guitar

Symptoms of a Wet Guitar


Humidity - Montreal, QC Canada

Professional Cabinet Builders

I'm building a other cabinets in my basement, using TV entertainment centers and old furniture.

If you plan to build your own... or would like to share ideas, please contact me:

Bill Kerrigan

Montreal, QC Canada


Reseach Information